Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Minalabac is a 3rd class municipality in the province of Camarines Sur, Philippines. According to the 2007 census, it has a population of 43,957 people.
Minalabac is famous for the so-called "Tumatarok ni San Felipe-Santiago" dance festival where young boys aged 10 to 12 years old performed the dance ritual.
The town is not just famous for the dance festival but is likewise considered as the refuge of many distinguished political figures with their families during the outbreak of the World War II.
The origin of the municipality is unfolded from the legends and fables of the old generation. In 1578 when the head Mission of Quipayo was established, Calabanga was only a visita or barrio. At that time, the place had vast forests and swamps and an abundance of wildlife such as monkeys, wild chickens, and forest lizard. Others say, it derived its name from the Bicol word “Calabangan”, the plural term of “labang” or “litag”, meaning a kind of snare for catching wild animals. Another legend says that Calabanga originated from the word “Calagbangan” meaning the wide, long, and straight street spanning from the church through the poblacion, east to west, called locally as “calabaan” or “calacbangan”.
Calabanga became known with 400 tributes. On July 15, 1749, it was separated from Quipayo by virtue of the approval of Don Fray Joan de Arechera, Bishop Elect of Nueva Segovia of the Commissary of the King, in the petition signed & filed by 37 Calabangueños on April 28, 1749 for town to be conveniently administered.
There were 2 visitas, visita de Cagapad and visita de hinarijan and 12 barrios. The barrios were san Antonio, San Vicente, Sta. Catalina, Nuestra Señora de Salud, San Lucas, San Miguel, Sta. Isabel, Nuestra Señora del Carmen, San Roque, San Pablo, San Jose (now Balongay) and Belen.
Calabanga is one of the municipalities of the province of Camarines Sur and a member of the Metro Naga Development Council. With its fishing grounds and the vast agricultural area, it is a major supplier of fish and other marine products and prime agricultural products in the province as well as in Metro Manila.
Si Nanay, si Tatay di ko babayaan,
Balakid na boot an sakuyang utang -
Sipagdara sako nin siyam na bulan,
Gatas na sinoso, di ko mabayadan.
Ay Nanay, ay Tatay, kon ako maghale,
Hihidawon nindo sa gabos na aki;
Maski makakua nin makakasangle,
Dai makaarog kan sakong ugale.
Ay Nanay, ay Tatay, kon ako maraot,
Pugotan nin payo, ibontog sa lawod,
Kon maheling nindo na naganodanod,
Ay Nanay, ay Tatay, sapoda man tolos.
Si Nanay, si Tatay daing pagkaherak,
Gustong agomon ko an sarong may kuyap.
Ay Nanay ay Tatay, kon kami mamogtak
Iloho ko siya tanganing matigbak.
Si Manang Pulana nagsakat sa tuba,
Naloslos si saya, naheling si letra;
Kaso basahon ko c, o ko; c, a, ka;
Na kon bililogon sadiri ta ka na.
Si Manang Pulana nag banwit sa bobon,
Sinobadan pantat, kasiling binaton;
Kaso hapoton ko kon anong pinaon -
Alolonting ogis na may golonggolong.
Sarung banggi sa higdaan
Nakadangog ako hinuni nin sarung gamgam;
Sa lubha ko katorogan
Bako kundi simong boses iyo palan..
Dagos ako bangon si sakuyang mata binuklat,
Kadtong kadikloman ako nangalagkalag,
Si sakong pagheling pasiring sa itaas,
Naheling ko simong lauog maliwanag.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

History of Legazpi City and other Albay towns
Legazpi City is the capital and the business center of Albay. It was built on mangrove swamps, which once bordered its magnificent deep water port. When the Spanish arrived in 1567 to set out their Christian mission, Albay, Sorsogon, Catanduanes and neighboring Camarines Sur comprised merely a single political unit called “Partido de Ibalon.
The city went through raids by Dutch and Muslim pirates before the arrival of the Spanish and was a horrifying sight of a much bloody battle during the Fil-Am war and WW II. The monument at the intersection of Quezon and Rizal Streets were built to commemorate the defeat of Filipino fighters by American forces in 1900.
Albay is the home of picturesque Mayon Volcano. In 1814, it erupted violently, spraying the community of Cagsawa with tons of hot volcanic boulders and covered the over 1000 townsfolk sheltering a historic church with cinders of lava. This church, which was then called Camalig Church was built in 1587, burned in 1636 and rebuilt in 1724. Now the bell tower, which is the only remain of the tragedy was turned into a park
Survivors of the 1814 tragedy moved to Daraga and built the present very striking European-styled church on the hill overlooking its town.

Villa Bayot
Saint Anthony Cathedral
The account that "Masbate" was coined after the words "masa" and "bate" remains anecdotal, rich with a mixture of facts and folklore.
The islands of Masbate,Ticao and Burias were explored by Captain Luis Enriquez de Guzman in 1569. This exploration work was continued by Captain Andres de Ibarra,Ibalon(Albay) Province assumed jurisdiction over Masbate Islands, and Masbate was named the town's capital village for security reasons, the seat of government had to be moved time and time again. It was first moved to Mobo and then again, to Guiom. It was later transferred to Palanog near the mouth of Lumbang River to make it more accesible to Bicol Mainland and to the islands of Burias and Ticao. However, government records were kept inland in Cagay.
The political history of the town dates back to the 1850s when the Spaniards established their government under a Spanish Gobernadorcillo. The Masbateños’ vassalage to Spain ended sometime in the early part of 1898 as an offshoot of the libertarian campaign waged by General Emilio Aguinaldo.
Sometime after General Aguinaldo inaugurated the Philippine Independence at Kawit, Cavite, he issued a military order to overthrow the Spanish Government in the Visayas and Masbate. General Justo Lucban and General Diego de Dios acted on this order with the help of Masbateño rebels under the legendary Pedro Kipte. The defeat of the Spanish Crown in Masbate could be largely credited to Pedro Kipte. Immediately thereafter, the military government under the Republic of the Philippines was established. But when the American forces reached the Municipality of Masbate in November 1900, it took over the government of Masbate without any resistance from the Masbateños.
After a devastating typhoon in 1908, an Executive Order was passed annexing the Province of Masbate to the Province of Sorsogon. Masbate, by force of circumstance, became a sub-province of Sorsogon until 1922 when its provincial status was restored. Shortly before the restoration of Philippine Independence in 1946, the town of Masbate was established as the provincial capital.
Masbate forms part of the second congressional district. In the mid-90s, the idea of converting the municipality into a city was pushed by 2nd District House Representative Luz Cleta Reyes Bakunawa. Her successor, Congressman Emilio Espinosa, Jr., together with the Municipal Mayor Juan P. Sanchez, Sr. and some local officials and employees took over where she left off. On August 16, 2000, President Joseph E. Estrada signed Republic Act 8807 converting the Municipality of Masbate into a component city. In a plebiscite held later that year, Masbateños voted 7,800-3,200 in favor of cityhood, and on September 30, 2000, the Commission on Elections Regional Office in Region 5 officially proclaimed Masbate as a component city.
Legend of the Five Rings
The naga were an ancient race of serpent-men that existed before the rise of Man and the fall of the Kami. They were the oldest of the civilizations, spanning the far west of the modern Rokugan. Before the fall of the Kami, the naga entered an enchanted slumber in an attempt to preserve their dying race.
Naga Physiology
The Shahadet, Naga Warlord
The naga are large quasi-humanoids with human-like torsos and snake like lower bodies. They were typically scaly and reptilian in appearance, with a greenish tint being the most common, though some browns and other shades were occasionally present. The tail of a naga could be anywhere in the range of 10-20 foot long. Typically, the tails of the Constrictors were normally the longest, while the Greensnakes tend to be smaller and more agile. An upright naga can range from four to seven feet tall normally, but they can raise themselves up even higher. Naga move with the same general pace and endurance of a man, but the tail gives them an advantage that allows them to move just as fast in nearly any terrain. Unfortunately, they do tend to leave a distinct trail marking their passage. Unless trained to accept them, horses tend to avoid naga, presumably due to smelling similar to snakes.[1]
Mutations and 'Abominations'
Some naga, especially the magically talented Cobra Bloodline, have features veering further from the 'human' norm. This appears to be a result the closeness some eggs have to the magical pearls in their hatcheries. Typically these naga have a much more snakelike appearance, to include such features as cobra hoods and heavily scaled torsos. Many other naga are noticeably unsettled by the more extreme variations. Another mutation grants some naga the ability to breathe underwater. While normally only air breathers, some naga are hatched with gills in their necks or torsos. In some more extreme cases, the naga have mutated to the point that they cannot breathe air at all. These mutations tend to be ignored by most naga. Once a generation, a naga is hatched with such severe mutations that it is declared to be an 'Abomination' and is cast out to live on it's own. Most do not survive this, but those who do, and who return, are often some of the greatest heroes of the naga.[2]
Female Nagas
At puberty, female naga gain the ability to alter their form, taking on a typical bipedal nature, though they are still obviously not human unless they take efforts to conceal their features. This ability involves five hours of ritual mediation, followed by the shedding of the skin to reveal the other lower torso. Due to the lack of use, female naga tails tend to be shorter than most males, and many have some minor difficulties utilizing some of the advantages the male naga enjoy. In addition, physical skills take twice as much effort as they must learn how to do such actions with and without tails.[3]
Over the years, the naga have affected and been affected by many events unfolding in Rokugan.
The Naga Empire
Thousands of years before the Fall of the Kami and the creation of Rokugan, the Empire of the Naga was a thriving culture dedicated to arts and science. They became complacent, and some did not heed prophecies and warnings of a Great Sleep to come.[4] Others had become complacent due to their biggest threat, the Ashalan, having been dealt a society-crumbling blow. Some believed they had to enter the great sleep to preserve their culture, and some hoped to defeat an enemy they knew to come, known as the Foul.[5]
Great Sleep
Time took a greater toll on the naga then expected, and unforeseen tampering by the nezumi and humans dealt a great amount of damage.[5]
Initial Awakenings
In 815, after the Return of the Ki-Rin, a small group of Shadowlands creatures broke through the defenses of the Crab Clan and entered the Shinomen Mori. These creatures destroyed a large cluster of naga eggs. This disturbance to the Akasha caused many naga to awaken, and they quickly crushed the Shadowlands force, leaving nothing but a foul, Tainted marsh in its place. [6]
] Naga ruins
In 925, on a mapping expedition of the outer reaches of the Shinomen Mori on behalf of the imperial cartographers, Shinjo Fujimaka and Ikoma Gohesu discovered the ruins of a great naga city. There had been naga ruins discovered before this event, but none of this size, which indicated a major naga settlement. Many scholars believe that this intrusion into the naga lands caused the initiation of their slow awakening process.[7]
] More Awakenings
The naga scouts had been awakening for centuries, but in 1124 they awoke in significant numbers. It was a slow process, requiring months or, in some cases, years.[8] During the Clan War, sometime before the Battle of Beiden Pass in 1127, the awaking Naga were approached by humans. Their leader, Mirumoto Daini, explained that he had been sent by his leader Toturi to ask for aid from the Naga in defeating the Foul and the Crab Clan who had allied with them. The Naga agreed to join forces with Toturi, in exchange for the Black Lion's promise that he would not seek to take the Emerald Throne for himself.[4]
] Naga and the Crab
In 1129, after the Clan War, the Kaiu family needed to repair the Kaiu Kabe, which had been severely damaged. The Crab and naga allied and resolved to move against the Shadowlands to end its threat forever. The Qamar of the naga pledged that every able naga would strike out against the Shadowlands with their new Crab allies once the Crab were ready. With the rebuilding taking priority, the assault was scheduled for the following spring. In the spring of 1130, as planned, the Crab and naga marched into the Shadowlands. Early on, there were nearly no casualties for the naga and Crab. The beasts of the Shadowlands seemed unprepared for such a large, bold invasion. During this time, Hiruma Castle was finally reclaimed following its destruction four centuries prior, in 716.[9]
Shortly after the retaking of Kyuden Hiruma, there was an apparent shift in the attitudes of the naga. They quickly and silently withdrew, leaving the Crab stranded in the Shadowlands. The Crab could only watch helplessly as their allies abandoned them. Scouts were quickly deployed to the Kaiu Kabe for more soldiers and supplies, but none of the messengers survived the journey.[10]
The naga returned in 1132 to help the Crab, but found they were too late to fight. To atone for their abandonment, Shashakar used an artifact known as the Black Pearl to restore life to the recently-deceased Crab Clan Champion, Hida Yakamo. This merged Yakamo's soul with the Akasha and his mind with Shashakar. Unfortunately, the Taint that was present in Yakamo seeped into the Akasha, causing the Naga great pain and forcing them into another hibernation.[11]
Naga and Hitomi
Naga shugenja
In 1131, the Qamar's son, Kazaq, left the Shinomen Mori and climbed the mountains of the Dragon Clan to Kyuden Hitomi. Hitomi greeted him with open arms as if he were an expected guest. Soon after, Kazaq emerged from Kyuden Hitomi bearing the mystical tattoos of the Dragon, severed from the Akasha forever.[10]
In 1131, the naga, led by the Qamar laid siege to the Dragon provinces. It was unknown to most why the naga attacked the Dragon. Their rampage destroyed three minor strongholds of the Dragon until they were suddenly halted by the appearance of the monks of the Brotherhood of Shinsei. Many believed the Brotherhood were there to parley with the Naga to end hostilities, but when the Brotherhood, mostly former Togashi family Ise Zumi led by Hoshi, joined forces with the Naga, many were taken aback. Hitomi's own brother, Mirumoto Daini, also chose to side with the Naga. It became clear within weeks that Hoshi has also mastered the art of making tattoed men himself, and many of the Brotherhood swore fealty to the newly-established Hoshi name.[12]
At the same time, the naga finally reached the base of Hitomi's mountain. During their attack, the power from Hitomi's Obsidian Hand inadvertently freed Shosuro from her crystal prison beneath the former Kyuden Togashi. Also during the chaos, the renegade Ise Zumi Kokujin stole the daisho of Togashi.[13]
In 1132, Toturi sent the Monkey Clan, lead by the Captain of the Imperial Guard, Toku, to end the fighting by attacking the naga. The naga revealed to Toku that Hitomi had been warped by the Lying Darkness. When she had corrupted Kazaq with the Lying Darkness, it had sent a revelation through the Akasha about what and where The Foul really was. Unfortunately, by the time the Naga explained this, Shosuro had been freed and Hitomi had ascended. With their immortal enemy eluding them once more, the naga returned to the aid of their Crab allies.[14]
Naga and the Unicorn
In 1135, as the naga prepared to re-enter hibernation, they gave to the Unicorn Clan a great golden pearl. In return, the Unicorn swore to defend the Shinomen Mori during the naga's sleep.[15]
The golden pearl was a secretion of the Akasha, meant to aid in the cleansing of the race. After most of the naga had returned to their slumber, the pearl hatched into a fully grown human woman with all the memories of The Akasha. The woman declared that her name was Akasha. The Unicorn Clan adopted her into their clan, seeing her as an eternal link between them and the sleeping naga.[16]

A long time ago when the Philippines was not yet separated by a wide stretch of water from the mainland of Asia, there was neither then high mountain nor volcano in the region now known as Bikolandia or Kabikolan the old name given by the inhabitants to this place. There once dwelt a distinct group of people composed of beautiful women and sturdy warriors. Many suitors from far away regions went to Kabikolan purposely to court its maidens. They, however, returned home dejectedly because it was the unbroken code of that place that no strangers could marry its daragas (maidens). So strict were the fathers with regard to the marriage of their daughters that tribal wars would frequently mar the beauty of the village. The inhabitants, of course, were secure from the onslaught of the invaders from all of them were mostly experienced warriors.
Of all the women in Kabikolan, none was more winsome than Tiong Makusog�s daughter, Daragang Magayon, whose name literally means woman beauteous. That was why in the whole region, she was the kabinibinihan (modest) of them all. Among the native who fell madly in love with her, was the wealthy but selfish Paratuga. Thrice did this suitor thrust his spear near the stairs of Tiong Makusog�s house as a sign of his love of Daragang Magayon, and thrice did he present valuable gift of pearls, diamonds and gold, only to be answered with firm words of refusal. �He is not the man for me, father,� the beautiful woman would say whenever she was enjoined by Tiong Makusog in behaolf of the native lover. Since the old man was open-minded, he could do no other but follow her wish.
One midnight, while silence pervaded the place, Daragang Magayon unexpectedly confessed to her father of her love affair with a certain man who lives beyond the border of Kabikolan.
�Tatay�, she began tremulously,� it will mean eternal disgrace to our family if I am known to be in love with a stranger who lives on the other side of Kabikolan (the boundary river that separates Kabikolan from Katagalogan, the region inhabited by the tagalogs). To me he is the handsomest of all men I have ever seen. I owe my life to him, because he was the brave man who saved me from the mad currents of Kabikolan, when one morning while I was bathing in the river, my feet unfortunately slipped on the rock I stood upon�.
Tiong Makusog became grief-stricken after learning that his only daughter had already chosen her life-partner without his knowledge. Nevetherless, he controlled himself, and queried, although scarcely intelligible, who her strange sweetheart was.
�That is it�, Daragang Magayon seemed to have trailed her father thoughts, �I am sure you don�t know his name because when you arrived, I was already saved from drowning and he had immediately told me, �Namomotan Ta Ka�, (I love you) he told me one sunset when we met again at the bank of the river. �Namomotan ta ka man,� (I love you too) I replied, whereupon, I felt his lifps tenderly pressing on mine. What shall we do father? I don�t love Paratuga. I prefer a thousand deaths than wed him!� She ended firmly.
�I will help you to find the best way out, my daughter,� Tiong Makusog, albeit heavy was his heart, assured her.
Unfortunately one morning, while Tiong Makusog was hunting in a nearby forest, several strong henchmen of Paratuga suddenly seized him unawares. He was taken to the home of this treacherous suitor where he was demanded as ransom, the hand of his daughter, otherwise death from the wounds of hundred arrows would be his punishment.
That same day, a few hours after Tiong Makusog had been taken as captive, Linog, Paratuga�s chief messenger arrived at Daranga Magayon�s house and delivered to her a letter written on a piece of white bamboo.
It contained a demand for her hand in marriage to Paratuga, or her refusal would mean immediate death of her father. Realizing the futility of a further refusal, Daragang Magayon forgot her gentle Panganoron, the man who had saved her from drowning. She at once rushed down the stairs and proceeded to Paratuga�s village to accept his terms to be his wife, to save her father.
The date of the wedding of Daragang Magayon to the wealthy Paratuga was immediately announced. Pearls, diamonds, gold and other precious stones were given lavishly to Tiong Makusog as gifts to the would-be bride. Messengers with swift heels were sent to al villages in Kabikolan purposely to broadcast the news and to invite every one to attend the nuptials.
As if aided by the wind, the news of Daragang Magayon�s proposed marriage speedily spread far and wide. It finally reached Panganoron�s ears whom upon learning the strange happening, was moved with surprise. For did she not assure him of her love, whatever consequence might befall on her? Indeed, the real lover could not believe what he heard. To him only force could make Daragang Magayon accept the marriage to that hated man. So with a bold determination to save his sweetheart from an impending danger, the daring warrior, with his trusted guide, Amihan, gathered all his men in Katagalogan to invade Kabikolan.
Panganoron and his followers arrived in Kabikolan on the day of Magayon�s marriage with Paratuga. The invaders were determined to slay the unwanted suitor and his people. Before the altar sat Tiong Makusog, with Daragang Magayon and Paratugaon each of his side. In front of them was the high priest who was busily mumbling words of incantation prior to the formal proclamation of the two parties as husband and wife. To the thousand pairs of eyes that witnessed the splendid ceremony, Daragang Magayon appeared immensely beautiful. Never before had they seen such a winsome woman. However, they could see that grief had lodged on her lovely face.
In the midst of the wedding ceremony, nevertheless, a sharp cry of �Tulisanes are coming!� from a villager outside suddenly put the scene into a medley of shrieking voices. Men, women and children speed away for safety. Only Daragang Magayon, Paratuga and his warriors remained to await the invaders headed by Panganoron. In a moment the battle was on. The sharp metallic clash of blade filled the air, and mounds of dying warriors gave a horrible sound in the fight. Paratuga was the first to gall, at the hands of the bold Panganoron. Seeing her returned lover, Daragang Magayon at once rushed to him, but sadly enough, a stray arrow fatally hit her. In his efforts to lift the weakening body of his sweetheart, Panganoron was unnoticeably attacked from behind. He reeled to the ground, bleeding and breathless. His men, sensing that their leader was dead and realizing that they were outnumbered, took to their heels and left him lifeless to their enemy.
The next day, all the natives of Kabikolan were sad. Daragang Magayon was dead. Tiong Makusog buried her beside the sea. In her grave, he laid all that she had possessed, including the priceless gifts of Paratuga. A week, however, after the burial, all the inhabitants of that place were surprised to find the grave mound of Daragang Magayon steadily rising into a hill. They were amazed, too, why sometimes a flock of white clouds floating over the hill would suddenly turn black and burst into a cloud and heavy shower strangely enough, pouring particularly on the crest of the hill. At night the people would be awakened by strong earthquakes that seemed to emanate from the grave of Daragang Magayon, followed by a thundering noise of rolling stones, along its steeply slope. This horrible occurrence frightened the natives so that in a short period, the place had become deserted.
During the countless years that followed that incident, the burial-hill of Darangang Magayon had kept on growing and growing until it was transformed into a high mountain, with its top almost piercing the clouds.
Nowadays the Albayanos, believed that the spirit of Paratuga is the cause of the occasional eruption of the mountain that was formerly the grave-mound of Daragang Magayon. The legend tells us that in order to avenge his failure to wed the beautiful daughter of Tiong Makusog, the spirit of Paratuga, with the help of Linog�s, is trying every once in a while to exhume her grave to emit all the pearls, diamonds and gold he had given to her as gifts. Instead of the gifts, however, large masses of stones with heavy layers of ashes, are thrown out, as when a volcano erupts.
The spirit of Panganoron, on the other hand, so the legend says, is wandering in the form of clouds above the peak of the mountain. These clouds usually visit the burial-place of Daragang Magayon and never fail to kiss it. Apparently the spirit of Panganoron seems to be grieving over the death of his sweetheart, for whenever clouds gather at the top, they usually disperse into volleys of raindrops, thus keeping the plant vegetating on the mountain slopes fresh all year round. The people of Albay contend that these frequent visits of the spirit of Panganoron to the mountain of Daragang Magayon, in the form of clouds and rain may account for its having a heavy rainfall every year.
Today the imposing mountain of Daragang Magayon still stands in Albay, perpetually clad with the green foliage of plants. Indeed, what a striking parallelism to find this mountain, like the winsome lady of former Kabikolan, always a radiant symbol of hope, to honor and remember the memory of Daragang Magayon, the mountain that marks her resting place is now called Mayon (short for Magayon) and the village by its slopes is at present a thriving town as Daraga (derived from Daragang) which is still noted for its pretty women.□
An burac nin malubago
Cawat nin mga balo
Kasalon man daing belo
Ponsionan dai gurano
Bacong arog can daraga
Kasalon man labing ogma
Bunoan man pitong baka
Ponsionan man sarong semana.
Oras na mabansay asin matoninong
Liwanagin bulan nin mga bitoon
Hamot nin sampagita rosal ka nanggad
Digdi kaning hardin na makaarog
Mga daragang Bicolana
Con minahuyom, mahinhin
Digdi kaning hardin na makaoogma
Michelle S. Villafuerte
Sa diclom nin bangui nin camatangaan
An hamot mo. jazmin, nagwawarak
Daing kabaing, daing kabagay
An hamot mo sa saco ay neneng
Sa pusong may sakit icang nacaomay
Guiromdoma con aco ay dai na
Sa kinaban tumalikod mapara na
Guiromdoma man, hurop-huropa
Si satong pag-ibaiba
Ngonian caining oras
Na kita suhay na.
Isipon mo Sana
Isipon mo sana namomotan ta ca
Nganing minsan saen dai malingaw ca
Sa simong pagturog asin sa pagmata
Gabos cong recuerdo simong giromdoma
Sa aldaw sa bangui antes cang magturog
Sarong inagrangay idulot mo sa Dios
Nganing matiwasay an sacong pagcamoot
Isipon mo sana namomootan ta ca.
Ang mga babaye
Kung mayo pa nin agom
Maugay nin aga maugay nin hapon
Alagad kung sinda igua na nin agom
Maugay Octobre, Disyembreng sunudon.
Ica palan, Nenang ang pinagsasabi
Magayon na burac sa lugar na ini
Magayon ang tindog malinig ang pisngi
Arin pa daw ang puso ang dai mawili.
Can ica sadit pa sadit pa man aco
Si satuyang cawat magkudot-kudotan
Kinudot mo aco kinudot ta ca man
Sabi mo sa saco luhayluhaya man.
Ang mga lalake
Hudyan sisaboot
Ang pinagsasabing ngarang pagcamoot
Kundi ang babayeng iyo minahilod
Akong minahiling can mga pangguyod.
GIMPAYA, Jenny Greamp O.
Ranga nin pusong nagtitios,
Burak na sangkap nin hamot,
Uya an buhay ko saimao dolot
Lilingya nin pagkaherak
Puso kong namomoot.
Bitoon kang maliwanag,
Sa diklom nin kabangihan,
Puso kong nariribongan
Nagbareta nin kapungawan.
Kon dai kang pagkaherak
Na ako mo pabayaan,
Puso kong simong binihag
Sa ibaba kan bukid
Nag solnop na an bulan
Madiklom, toninong
Natotorog na banwaan.
Ngonian ako yaon
Tanganing ika kansyonan,
Asin giromdomon
Sakit, ogmang inagihan.
Ano iyan lalawgen mo
Diyan sa kadikloman?
Ano iyan an boses mo
Hale sa katoninongan?
Dai ko na namamati
An lipot, kapungawan;
Ta aram kong ngonian ika
Sa sako nangatorogan.
Kaso sarung aldao
Nagataman akong punay
Nakasangle, nakaribay
Nin si ogma ko kasakitan.
Salampating gominaro,
Gominaro dahil sako,
Ano daw ikinamondo
Ta nag layog nin harayo.
Tominaas, bominaba,
Nagtoro si sakung luha,
Nagin salog, nagin sapa,
Nagin danaw na dakiula.
Halat ka sakong punay ka
Ta madakop ka nin iba,
Ilaog ka sa hawla
Sa hawlang may seradora.
Diyan ka na magdadanay
Ni pag inom, ni pagkakan,
Tanganing ka nang magadan
Mapara ka sa kinaban.